Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sun Rise by the Meadows

In just one blink of your eyes it looks like a wall paper design or just a refined graphics done by a professional photo illustrator software. NO! its not, this is done by a group of a Fine art students headed by my friend Maylene Argenio, using Acrylic and latex paint materials, they arrived a very nice rendition of colors and a very meaningful masterpiece. From my views.

Artist: Maylene Argenio & Company


Anonymous said...

very nice, yeah from your review this is nice, I like the colors maybe we just really have to ask the people involvd here to share thier msg about this.

I love it...

Debie FB

Anonymous said...

That is the other side of fine-arts



Anonymous said...

I wonder if you put something like a boy running and pulling his kite to fly, wow majestic part would it be =)
